Library Genre Horror Order by Title Director Year House Of Fear (the) Directed by William Rose Ghosthouse Directed by Umberto Lenzi Bakterion Directed by Tonino Ricci Sex, Demons And Death Directed by Salvatore Bugnatelli Lycanthropus Directed by Richard Benson Red Stained Meadow (the) Directed by Riccardo Ghione Devil’s Wedding Night (the) Directed by Paolo Solvay Frankenstein 80 Directed by Mario Mancini Patrick Is Still Alive Directed by Mario Landi Gore In Venice Directed by Mario Landi Kill Baby Kill Directed by Mario Bava Zombi 2 Directed by Lucio Fulci Zombi 3 Directed by Lucio Fulci Murderock Directed by Lucio Fulci Voices From Beyond Directed by Lucio Fulci Killers Of The Castle Of Blood (the) Directed by Jose Luis Merino Pagination 1 2 3 Next