Library Genre Horror Order by Title Director Year After Death Directed by Claudio Fragasso Antropophagus Directed by JOE D’AMATO Antropophagus 2 Directed by Dario Germani Bakterion Directed by Tonino Ricci Caged Directed by Aaron Fjellman Count Dracula Directed by Jesus Franco Darkroom Directed by Britt Napier Death Smiled At Murder Directed by Joe D'Amato Devil’s Gate Directed by Clay Staub Devil’s Wedding Night (the) Directed by Paolo Solvay Dna – Lethal Formula Directed by George Eastman Don’t Open That Door Directed by Claudio Fragasso Erotic Nights Of The Living Dead Directed by Joe D'Amato Fire throne Directed by Franco Jesús Frankenstein 80 Directed by Mario Mancini Ghosthouse Directed by Umberto Lenzi Pagination 1 2 3 Next