Library Genre Horror Order by Title Director Year Caged Directed by Aaron Fjellman Witch Story Directed by Alessandro Capone Nights Of Terror Directed by Andrea Bianchi Phobia Directed by Antonio Abbate Darkroom Directed by Britt Napier Killing Birds Directed by Claude Milliken After Death Directed by Claudio Fragasso Don’t Open That Door Directed by Claudio Fragasso Devil’s Gate Directed by Clay Staub Antropophagus 2 Directed by Dario Germani The Slaughter Directed by Dario Germani Scream In The Dark Directed by Elo Pannaccio' Witch Sex Directed by Elo Pannaccio' Fire throne Directed by Franco Jesús Zombi Holocaust Directed by Frank Martin Dna – Lethal Formula Directed by George Eastman Pagination 1 2 3 Next