Library Genre Horror Order by Title Director Year Lycanthropus Directed by Richard Benson Kill Baby Kill Directed by Mario Bava Fire throne Directed by Franco Jesús Killers Of The Castle Of Blood (the) Directed by Jose Luis Merino Frankenstein 80 Directed by Mario Mancini Devil’s Wedding Night (the) Directed by Paolo Solvay House Of Fear (the) Directed by William Rose Count Dracula Directed by Jesus Franco Death Smiled At Murder Directed by Joe D'Amato Witch Sex Directed by Elo Pannaccio' Orgy Of The Dead Directed by Jose Luis Merino Scream In The Dark Directed by Elo Pannaccio' Red Stained Meadow (the) Directed by Riccardo Ghione Sex, Demons And Death Directed by Salvatore Bugnatelli Omega Dark Directed by Joe D'Amato Zombi 2 Directed by Lucio Fulci Pagination 1 2 3 Next