Library Genre Comic Order by Title Director Year Heroes Of The West (the) Directed by steno steno Texas Twins Directed by steno steno Farfallon Directed by Riccardo Pazzaglia Sergeant Rompiglioni Directed by Pier Giorgio Ferretti For A Fistful Of Nothing Directed by Michele Lupo Two Boxing Champions (the) Directed by Mariano Laurenti What A Music, Maestro Directed by Mariano Laurenti Satyricon Plus Directed by Mariano Laurenti Soccer Wizards (the) Directed by Mariano Laurenti Sergeant Rompiglioni Becomes Corporal Directed by Mariano Laurenti Zorro’s Nephews Directed by Marcello Ciorciolini Long, The Short, The Cat (the) Directed by Lucio Fulci Two Escapees From Sing-sing (the) Directed by Lucio Fulci How To Burgle The Bank Of Italy Directed by Lucio Fulci Two Most Crazy Cars Of The World (the) Directed by Giuseppe Orlandini Scroundels (the) Directed by Giuseppe Orlandini Pagination 1 2 Next