Library Genre Comic Order by Title Director Year Toto’ And Marcellino Directed by Antonio Musu Magnificent Three (the) Directed by Giorgio Simonelli Two Against All Directed by Antonio Momplet Two Bullfighters Directed by Giorgio Simonelli Heroes Of The West (the) Directed by steno steno Comedy Italian Style Directed by Camillo Mastrocinque Seduced And Swindled Directed by Giorgio Bianchi Two Escapees From Sing-sing (the) Directed by Lucio Fulci Texas Twins Directed by steno steno For A Fistful Of Nothing Directed by Michele Lupo Two Sanculotti (the) Directed by Giorgio Simonelli How To Burgle The Bank Of Italy Directed by Lucio Fulci Long, The Short, The Cat (the) Directed by Lucio Fulci Sons Of Ringo (the) Directed by Giorgio Simonelli Zorro’s Nephews Directed by Marcello Ciorciolini Satyricon Plus Directed by Mariano Laurenti Pagination 1 2 Next