Library Genre Comic Order by Title Director Year Avenger Strikes At Noon (the) Directed by Irving Jacobs Comedy Italian Style Directed by Camillo Mastrocinque Dollar Of Funk (a) Directed by Giorgio Simonelli Farfallon Directed by Riccardo Pazzaglia For A Fistful Of Nothing Directed by Michele Lupo Franco And Ciccio Superstar Directed by Giorgio Agliani Heroes Of The West (the) Directed by steno steno How To Burgle The Bank Of Italy Directed by Lucio Fulci Inheritance Of His Good Uncle (the) Directed by Alfonso Brescia Long, The Short, The Cat (the) Directed by Lucio Fulci Magnificent Three (the) Directed by Giorgio Simonelli Satyricon Plus Directed by Mariano Laurenti Scroundels (the) Directed by Giuseppe Orlandini Seduced And Swindled Directed by Giorgio Bianchi Sergeant Rompiglioni Directed by Pier Giorgio Ferretti Sergeant Rompiglioni Becomes Corporal Directed by Mariano Laurenti Pagination 1 2 Next