Library Genre Comedy Order by Title Director Year Cops Directed by C. VANZINA Condemned To Wed Directed by G. PICCIONI Completely Psyco Directed by Steno Comics 2 (the) Directed by N. PARENTI Comedy Italian Style Directed by Camillo Mastrocinque Colonel (the) Directed by Paolo Heusch Clementine Cherie Directed by Pierre Chevalier Cinderella And Mr. Bonaventura Directed by Sergio Tofano Chicken Park Directed by J. CALA' Champion (The) Directed by Carlo Borghesio Champagne And Beans Directed by Oscar Brazzi Cassiodoro, The Steeliest Pretorian Directed by Oreste Coltellacci Cain And Cain Directed by A. BENVENUTI Bullys (the) Directed by Irving Jacobs Bullier Than Ever Directed by Mario Mattoli Bull (the) Directed by C. MAZZACURATI Pagination Previous 1 … 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Next