Library Genre Comedy Order by Title Director Year Summer Wishes Directed by Silvio Amadio We Are Rich And Poor Directed by Siro Marcellini They Left As Priest And Returned As Curated Directed by Stelvio Massi Completely Psyco Directed by Steno Three Times Female Directed by steno steno Some Like It Cold Directed by steno steno Godson (the) Directed by steno steno My Granny The Cop Directed by steno steno Back To The Present Directed by Toni Fornari & Andrea Maia Ladies & Gentlemen Directed by Tonino Pulci Rapture Of Love Directed by Tonino Ricci Dismissed On His Wedding Night Directed by U. TOGNAZZI Pierino The Pest Does It Again Directed by Umberto Lenzi Excuse Me, Are You Normal? Directed by Umberto Lenzi Dance Music Directed by V. DE SISTI Private Lesson (the) Directed by V. De Sisti Pagination Previous 1 … 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Next