Library Genre Comedy Order by Title Director Year Party’s Over Directed by A. BENVENUTI Lambada Directed by G. Curi Here Comes The Storm Directed by D. LUCHETTI Cain And Cain Directed by A. BENVENUTI Roaring Throats Directed by P. F. PINGITORE Unhappy And Contented Directed by N. PARENTI Me, Let’s Hope I Make It Directed by L. WERTMULLER What A Night! Directed by D. CAMERINI Puerto Escondido Directed by G. SALVATORES Ricky And Barabba Directed by C. DE SICA Stefano Quantestorie Directed by M. NICHETTI Suntanned One Year Later Directed by B. GABURRO Dear Goddamned Friends Directed by M. MONICELLI Condemned To Wed Directed by G. PICCIONI Women Don’t Want To Directed by P. QUARTULLO Fantozzi In Paradise Directed by N. PARENTI Pagination Previous 1 … 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Next