Library Genre Adventure Order by Title Director Year Scourge Of The Barbarians (the) Directed by Piero Regnoli Scaramouche’s Adventures (the) Directed by Antonio Isasi Isasmendi Scalawag Directed by Zoran Calic Sahara Cross Directed by Tonino Valeri Sacred Crown (the) Directed by Emimmo Salvi Rommel's treasure Directed by Romolo Marcellini Red Pirate’s Son (the) Directed by Marco Elter Queen’s Musketeers Directed by Giorgio Simonelli Oil Directed by Mircea Dragan Nick Carter Doesn’t Forget Directed by Henri Decoin New York Calling Superdragon Directed by Giorgio Ferroni Mysterious Mr. Van Eyck (the) Directed by A. NAVARRO Montecristo’s Revenge Directed by Robert Varnay Montecristo Island (the) Directed by Mario Sequi Michelle Strogoff's Triumph Directed by Viktor Tourjansky Mercenaries Of The Apocalypse (the) Directed by Leandro Lucchetti Pagination Previous 1 2 3 4 5 Next