Library Genre Adventure Order by Title Director Year Invincible Sword (the) Directed by Hugo Fregonese Exploits Of A Legendary Sword Directed by Frank McDonald Zoras The Rebel Directed by Saenz de Heredia Two Savages At Court Directed by Ferdinando Baldi King’s Orders (the) Directed by Georges Lampin Cossacks (the) Directed by Giorgio Rivalta Conqueror Of The East (the) Directed by Tanio Boccia Three Musketeers (The) Directed by Bernard Borderie Soldiers Of Fortune Directed by Angelo Dorigo Corsican Brothers (the) Directed by Anton Giulio Majano Suleiman The Conqueror Directed by Mario Tota Black Lancers (the) Directed by Giacomo Gentilomo Sacred Crown (the) Directed by Emimmo Salvi Michelle Strogoff's Triumph Directed by Viktor Tourjansky Count Of Montecristo Directed by Claude Autant-Lara D’artagnan Directed by Fulvio Tului Pagination Previous 1 2 3 4 5 Next