Library Genre Adventure Order by Title Director Year Corsican Brothers (the) Directed by Anton Giulio Majano Cosmo 2000 – War In The Space Directed by Alfonso Brescia Cossacks (the) Directed by Giorgio Rivalta Count Of Montecristo Directed by Claude Autant-Lara Cry Of The Wolf (the) Directed by Gianfranco Baldanello D’artagnan Directed by Fulvio Tului Death Belongs To Manila (the) Directed by Wolfgang Becker Deep Blood Directed by Raf Donato Encountered Fires Directed by Al Bradley Even Angels Like Beans Directed by E. B. Clucher Exploits Of A Legendary Sword Directed by Frank McDonald Extraordinary Conqueror (the) Directed by José Maria Elorrieta Felipe De Jesus Directed by Julio Bracho Fire throne Directed by Franco Jesús For A Handful Of Gold (tarzak) Directed by Charlie Foster From New York: Mafia Kills! Directed by Raoul Levy Pagination Previous 1 2 3 4 5 Next