Library Genre Adventure Order by Title Director Year Zorikan, The Exterminator Directed by Roberto Mauri Zoras The Rebel Directed by Saenz de Heredia White Fang and the solitary hunt Directed by Alfonso Brescia Wartime Directed by Umberto Lenzi Two Savages At Court Directed by Ferdinando Baldi Trader In Slave-girls (the) Directed by Duilio Coletti Three Musketeers (The) Directed by Bernard Borderie Tentacles Directed by Oliver Hellman Tavern Of Freedom (the) Directed by Maurice Cam Tarzak and the leopard men Directed by Charlie Foster Sword Of Damascus Directed by Irving Jacobs Suleiman The Conqueror Directed by Mario Tota Soldiers Of Fortune Directed by Angelo Dorigo Slave Girls Of Sheeba (the) Directed by Giacomo Gentilomo Shark Directed by Enzo Castellari Shaking Fists Directed by Giuseppe Vari Pagination 1 2 3 4 5 Next