Library Genre Adventure Order by Title Director Year College girls of St. Cyr (The) Directed by Gennaro Righelli Last Buccaneers (the) Directed by Marco Elter Red Pirate’s Son (the) Directed by Marco Elter Trader In Slave-girls (the) Directed by Duilio Coletti Montecristo’s Revenge Directed by Robert Varnay Buried Alive Directed by Guido Brignone Montecristo Island (the) Directed by Mario Sequi Felipe De Jesus Directed by Julio Bracho Queen’s Musketeers Directed by Giorgio Simonelli Angel In The Crowd (an) Directed by Leonardo De Mitri Cayman (the) Directed by Giorgio Bianchi Tavern Of Freedom (the) Directed by Maurice Cam Cheri Bibi Directed by Marcello Pagliero Golden Falcon (the) Directed by Carlo Ludovico Bragaglia Rommel's treasure Directed by Romolo Marcellini Giovanni dalle bande nere Directed by Sergio Grieco Pagination 1 2 3 4 5 Next