Library Genre Adventure Order by Title Director Year Adam And Eve: The First Love Story Directed by John Wilder Adventures Of Bengal Lancers Directed by Umberto Lenzi Agent Lemmy Caution. Mission Alphaville Directed by Jean-Luc Godard Ali’ Baba’ And Seven Saracens Directed by Emimmo Salvi Amazons For Love And War Directed by Alfonso Brescia Angel In The Crowd (an) Directed by Leonardo De Mitri Black Lancers (the) Directed by Giacomo Gentilomo Black Tulip Directed by Christian-Jaques Christian-Jaques Blows, Pirates And Karate Directed by Joe D'Amato Bridge To Hell Directed by Umberto Lenzi Buried Alive Directed by Guido Brignone Cayman (the) Directed by Giorgio Bianchi Challenge Comes From Bangkok (the) Directed by Gianfranco Parolini Cheri Bibi Directed by Marcello Pagliero College girls of St. Cyr (The) Directed by Gennaro Righelli Conqueror Of The East (the) Directed by Tanio Boccia Pagination 1 2 3 4 5 Next