Library Genre Western Order by Title Director Year Keoma Directed by Enzo Castellari Boast (The) Directed by Alfonso Brescia Ten White Men And A Little Indian Directed by Gianfranco Baldanello Western Kid (the) Directed by Roberto Amoroso Bandoleros Of The Last Hour.. Directed by Al Bagran Django Adios Directed by Roberto Mauri Thunder Over El Paso Directed by Roberto Bianchi Montero God Is My Colt Directed by Dean Jones Animal Called Man (an) Directed by R. MAURI His Name Was Sam Wallash.. But They Called Amen Directed by Demofilo Fidani Great Chihuativa Treasure (the) Directed by Tonino Ricci Black Killer Directed by Carlo Croccolo Chago Directed by Luigi Mangini West Of Sacramento Directed by Federico Chentrens They Call Him Cemetery Directed by Giuliano Carnimeo One Gun A Hundred Graves Directed by Lucky Moore Pagination 1 2 3 Next