Library Genre Western Order by Title Director Year $ 10,000 For A Massacre Directed by Romolo Guerrieri Animal Called Man (an) Directed by R. MAURI Arkansas Conquest Directed by Alberto Cardone Bandidos Directed by Max Dillmann Bandoleros Of The Last Hour.. Directed by Al Bagran Black Killer Directed by Carlo Croccolo Boast (The) Directed by Alfonso Brescia Buckaroo Directed by Adelchi Bianchi Chago Directed by Luigi Mangini Die For A Dollar In Tucson Directed by D. Brownson Dirty Fifteen (the) Directed by Nunzio Malasomma Django Adios Directed by Roberto Mauri Djurado Directed by Gianni Narzisi Duel In The Eclipse Directed by Eugenio Martin El Rojo Directed by Leo Colman God Is My Colt Directed by Dean Jones Pagination 1 2 3 Next