Library Genre Thriller Order by Title Director Year Hold-up Snapshot Of A Robbery Directed by German Lorente Operation Gold Ingot Directed by Georges Lautner Belfagor’s Deadly Snare Directed by Georges Combret Iguana With The Tongue Of Fire (the) Directed by Freda Riccardo Brothel (the) Directed by F. L. Morris Corpse To Hide (a) Directed by Etienne Perier Libidinous Directed by Ernesto Gastaldi Devil’s Gate Directed by Clay Staub Big Pot Directed by Bruno Paolinelli Death Is Fashionable Directed by Bruno A. Gaburro Darkroom Directed by Britt Napier Sun Spots Directed by Armando Crispino Murder In A College Directed by Antonio Margheriti Tenebra Directed by Anto Shadow Of A Killer (the) Directed by Anthony Dawson Killers Are Challanged Directed by Anthony Dawson Pagination Previous 1 2 3 4 Next