Library Genre Thriller Order by Title Director Year Honorable Family.. Directed by Tonino Ricci Police Are Groping In The Dark (the) Directed by Helia Colombo Hold-up Snapshot Of A Robbery Directed by German Lorente Corpse To Hide (a) Directed by Etienne Perier And Than There Were None Directed by Peter Collinson Order To Kill Directed by José G. Maesso Police Accuse : The Secret Service Kills (the) Directed by Sergio Martino Sun Spots Directed by Armando Crispino Shadow Of A Killer (the) Directed by Anthony Dawson Knell, Bloody Avenger Directed by Al Bradley Free Hand For A Tough Cop Directed by Umberto Lenzi Big Pot Directed by Bruno Paolinelli No To Violence Directed by Tano Cimarosa Que Sera Sera Directed by Guido Zurli Red Enigma Directed by Alberto Negrin Killer Gold Directed by Sergio Garrone Pagination Previous 1 2 3 4 Next