Library Genre Thriller Order by Title Director Year Police Are Groping In The Dark (the) Directed by Helia Colombo Police Accuse : The Secret Service Kills (the) Directed by Sergio Martino Order To Kill Directed by José G. Maesso Operation White Shark Directed by Stanley Lewis Operation Gold Ingot Directed by Georges Lautner No To Violence Directed by Tano Cimarosa Night Terror Directed by Harald Reini Naked Girl Murdered In The Park Directed by Alfonso Brescia Murder In A College Directed by Antonio Margheriti Murder At The Luna Park Directed by Renato Polselli Mmm83 Directed by Sergio Bergonzelli Mafia In Court Directed by Oreste Palella Libidinous Directed by Ernesto Gastaldi Knell, Bloody Avenger Directed by Al Bradley Killers Are Challanged Directed by Anthony Dawson Killer Gold Directed by Sergio Garrone Pagination Previous 1 2 3 4 Next