Library Genre Thriller Order by Title Director Year F.b.i. Operation Pakistan Directed by Harald Reini F.b.i. Operation Viper Directed by Alfredo Medori Free Hand For A Tough Cop Directed by Umberto Lenzi Hold-up Snapshot Of A Robbery Directed by German Lorente Honorable Family.. Directed by Tonino Ricci I’ll Wait For You In Hell Directed by Piero Regnoli Iguana With The Tongue Of Fire (the) Directed by Freda Riccardo Interpoint Directed by Giuliano Biagetti Killer Gold Directed by Sergio Garrone Killers Are Challanged Directed by Anthony Dawson Knell, Bloody Avenger Directed by Al Bradley Libidinous Directed by Ernesto Gastaldi Mafia In Court Directed by Oreste Palella Mmm83 Directed by Sergio Bergonzelli Murder At The Luna Park Directed by Renato Polselli Murder In A College Directed by Antonio Margheriti Pagination Previous 1 2 3 4 Next