Library Genre Drama Order by Title Director Year Fear House Directed by Francesco Barilli Farmworker (the) Directed by Rate Furlan Faddija – The Law Of Vengeance Directed by Roberto Bianchi Montero Eyes Without Light Directed by Flavio Calzavara Eye Behind The Wall (the) Directed by Giuliano Petrelli Expulsion Order Directed by Carlo Campogalliani Enphantoms Directed by Sergio Gobbi Emanuelle Do Ut Des Directed by Dario Germani Edipeon Directed by Lorenzo Artale Dupre’ Crime (the) Directed by Christian Jaque Dishonoured Without Guilt Directed by Giorgio Chili Devil’s Crime (queens) (the) Directed by Tonino Cervi Destiny Directed by Enzo Di Gianni Deborah’s Sweet Body Directed by Romolo Guerrieri Days of blood Directed by Enzo Gicca Dawn Close Directed by Nino Giannini Pagination Previous 1 … 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Next