Library Genre Drama Order by Title Director Year Salem Virgins Directed by Raymond Rouleau Saprofitous (the) Directed by Sergio Nasca Satanik Directed by Piero Vivarelli Scandal (the) Directed by Anna Gobbi Scatter – Brain (the) Directed by Gennaro Righelli Secret Of The Old Wood (the) Directed by E. OLMI Secret of the three points (The) Directed by Carlo Ludovico Bragaglia Senseless Day (a) Directed by Mauro Bolognini Sex, Demons And Death Directed by Salvatore Bugnatelli Shame On You! Directed by Mauro Severino Sin Without Malice Directed by Theo Campanelli Sinner Of The Island (the) Directed by Sergio Corbucci So Sweet So Perverse Directed by Umberto Lenzi Song, A Guitar And A Little Moonlight.. (a) Directed by Giacomo Gentilomo South Directed by G. SALVATORES Spiralling Mist Directed by Eriprando Visconti Pagination Previous 1 … 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Next