Library Genre Drama Order by Title Director Year Mimi’ Directed by Florestano Vancini Eyes Without Light Directed by Flavio Calzavara Youth On Trial Directed by Ferruccio Cerio Woman Who Invented.. (the) Directed by Ferruccio Cerio People Like That Directed by Fernando Cerchio Paris Mysteries (the) Directed by Fernando Cerchio Love dream Directed by Ferdinando Maria Poggioli Civil Death Directed by Ferdinando Maria Poggioli Masoch Directed by F. BROGI TAVIANI My Little Darling Directed by Eugenio De Liguoro Madunella Directed by Ernesto Grassi Oedipus Ork Directed by Eriprando Visconti Kidnapped Directed by Eriprando Visconti Spiralling Mist Directed by Eriprando Visconti Days of blood Directed by Enzo Gicca Destiny Directed by Enzo Di Gianni Pagination Previous 1 … 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Next