Library Genre Drama Order by Title Director Year I’ve Always Love You Directed by Mario Costa Forgive Me Directed by Mario Costa Goodbye Forever! Directed by Mario Costa His Way Directed by Mario Costa Betrothed (the) Directed by Mario Maffei That Cursed Afternoon Directed by Mario Siciliano Calamo Directed by Massimo Pirri Io, Arlecchino Directed by Matteo Bini Valley Of Stone (the) Directed by Maurizio Zaccaro Senseless Day (a) Directed by Mauro Bolognini Shame On You! Directed by Mauro Severino The Postman Directed by MICHAEL RADFORD Flames on the sea Directed by Michael Waszynsky 7 Minutes Directed by Michele Placido Dawn Close Directed by Nino Giannini Jungle Directed by Nunzio Malasomma Pagination Previous 1 … 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Next