Library Genre Drama Order by Title Director Year Youth On Trial Directed by Ferruccio Cerio Final Illusion (the) Directed by Vittorio Duse Black Angels Directed by Joselito Rodriguez Expulsion Order Directed by Carlo Campogalliani Heartfelt Song Directed by Carlo Campogalliani They Will Be Men Directed by Silvio Siano Law Accuses Me (the) Directed by Emile Couzinet Hurricane On The River Po Directed by Horst Haechler Song, A Guitar And A Little Moonlight.. (a) Directed by Giacomo Gentilomo Adriana Lecouvreur Directed by Guido Salvini Carrier (the) Directed by Guido Brignone Island Of The Lonely Women (the) Directed by Charles Brabant Return To Life Directed by Jose' Antonio Nieves Conde Horizon In Flames Directed by Roberto Bianchi Montero Salem Virgins Directed by Raymond Rouleau Owner Of The Iron-foundry (the) Directed by Anton Giulio Majano Pagination Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 … 11 Next