Library Genre Drama Order by Title Director Year Frontier Wolf (the) Directed by Edoardo Anton Go Girl, Go, You’ve Got Music In Your Veins Directed by Pasquale Squitieri Godmother (the) Directed by Al Pisani Goodbye Forever! Directed by Mario Costa Goodbye, Mother! Directed by Irving Jacobs Great Goodbye (the) Directed by Renato Polselli Hallo Ward!.. And A Bloodthirsty Vacation Ensued Directed by Julio Salvador Hand That Feeds Death (the) Directed by Sergio Garrone Heart Directed by Duilio Coletti Heart of a stranger (The) Directed by Armando Fizzarotti Heartfelt Song Directed by Carlo Campogalliani Heartless Woman Directed by Renato Borraccetti Hearts In A Blizzard Directed by Carlo Campogalliani Heaven Weeps Directed by Enzo Della Santa Hell Police Directed by Guido Zurli Her Destiny Directed by Enrico Guazzoni Pagination Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 … 11 Next