Library Genre Drama Order by Title Director Year Final Illusion (the) Directed by Vittorio Duse Questioning Directed by Vittorio De Sisti From Corleone To Brooklyn Directed by Umberto Lenzi So Sweet So Perverse Directed by Umberto Lenzi Strange Acenger (the) Directed by Tullio De Micheli 24 Hours Of Terror Directed by Tony Bichouse Devil’s Crime (queens) (the) Directed by Tonino Cervi Michelino Cucchiarella Directed by Tiziano Longo Sin Without Malice Directed by Theo Campanelli They Will Be Men Directed by Silvio Siano Saprofitous (the) Directed by Sergio Nasca Enphantoms Directed by Sergio Gobbi Hand That Feeds Death (the) Directed by Sergio Garrone Ss Experiment Love Camp Directed by Sergio Garrone Ss Lager 5 Directed by Sergio Garrone Sinner Of The Island (the) Directed by Sergio Corbucci Pagination 1 2 3 4 5 6 … 11 Next