Library Genre Drama Order by Title Director Year Goodbye, Mother! Directed by Irving Jacobs Images Directed by Adimaro Sala Loved To Love You Directed by Adimaro Sala Godmother (the) Directed by Al Pisani 6000 Km Of Fear Directed by Albert Thomas From Our Copenhagen’s Correspondent Directed by Alberto Cavallone Twilight Directed by Alex Paolucci Tara Poki’ Directed by Amasi Damiani Those That Count Directed by Andrea Bianchi Inner Circle (the) Directed by Andrei Konchalovski You’ll Say”i Killed In Self Defence” Directed by Angelino Fons Scandal (the) Directed by Anna Gobbi Owner Of The Iron-foundry (the) Directed by Anton Giulio Majano Metempsycho Directed by Antonio Boccacci Ceremony Of The Senses (the) Directed by Antonio D'Agostino Malaspina Directed by Armando Fizzarotti Pagination 1 2 3 4 5 6 … 11 Next