Library Genre Comedy Order by Title Director Year Get Safe.. Who’s Able Directed by Robert Dhery Gastone Directed by Mario Bonnard Four And A Half Corporals Directed by Bitto Albertini Foolish Things Directed by Georg Wilhelm Pabst Fists, Dollars And Spinach Directed by Emimmo Salvi Fish In Love (the) Directed by L. PIERACCIONI Felicita Colombo Directed by Mario Mattoli Fathers And Sons Directed by Mario Monicelli Fantozzi In Paradise Directed by N. PARENTI Fake Respect (the) Directed by Marcello Ciorciolini Excuse Me, Can I Avoid National Service?.. No! Directed by Luigi Petrini Excuse Me, Are You Normal? Directed by Umberto Lenzi Everybody In Jail Directed by A. SORDI Er Monnezza Is Back Directed by C. VANZINA Dream Princess (the) Directed by Roberto Savarese Donatella Directed by Mario Monicelli Pagination Previous 1 … 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Next