Library Genre Comedy Order by Title Director Year Presidentessa (la) Directed by L. SALCE Priest’s Jokes Directed by Pier Francesco Pingitore Private Lesson (the) Directed by V. De Sisti Puerto Escondido Directed by G. SALVATORES Rapture Of Love Directed by Tonino Ricci Ricky And Barabba Directed by C. DE SICA Roaring Throats Directed by P. F. PINGITORE Rocco And His Sisters Directed by Giorgio Simonelli Sacred Secret (the) Directed by Julio Flecher De Gomar Schoolmistress (the) Directed by Giorgio Bianchi Sea Star Directed by Corrado D'Errico Seven Dangerous Women Directed by Pedro Lazaga Seven Grand Cuckolds Directed by Luigi Russo Seven Years Of Happiness Directed by Roberto Savarese Sister – In – Law (the) Directed by Sergio Bergonzelli So Long Gulliver Directed by Carlo Tuzii Pagination Previous 1 … 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Next