Library Genre Comedy Order by Title Director Year Seven Dangerous Women Directed by Pedro Lazaga Place Your Bet Directed by Paolo Nuzzi Colonel (the) Directed by Paolo Heusch Summer (the) Directed by P. SPINOLA Women Don’t Want To Directed by P. QUARTULLO Roaring Throats Directed by P. F. PINGITORE Bingo Bongo Directed by P. F. CAMPANILE Champagne And Beans Directed by Oscar Brazzi Cassiodoro, The Steeliest Pretorian Directed by Oreste Coltellacci Night Encounters Directed by Nunzio Malasomma Lady In Black (the) Directed by Nunzio Malasomma American Man (an) Directed by Nino Marino Comics 2 (the) Directed by N. PARENTI Fantozzi In Paradise Directed by N. PARENTI Unhappy And Contented Directed by N. PARENTI Devil’s Tail (the) Directed by Moraldo Rossi Pagination Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 … 12 Next