Library Genre Comedy Order by Title Director Year American Aunt Goes Skiing (the) Directed by Roberto Bianchi Montero My Granny The Cop Directed by steno steno Lovely Legs Of Sabrina (the) Directed by Camillo Mastrocinque Gastone Directed by Mario Bonnard Woman In The Pacific (a) Directed by Roberto Bianchi Montero Bullys (the) Directed by Irving Jacobs Bullier Than Ever Directed by Mario Mattoli Nice Rogue (a) Directed by Irving Jacobs Some Like It Cold Directed by steno steno Some Like ‘em Bald Directed by Irving Jacobs He, She And The Grandfather Directed by Anton Giulio Majano Completely Psyco Directed by Steno Rocco And His Sisters Directed by Giorgio Simonelli Usual Bandits In Milan (the) Directed by Giulio Petroni Unlikely Robbery, Italian-style Directed by Lucio Fulci Nerone ’71 Directed by Walter Filippo Filippi Pagination Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 … 12 Next