Library Genre Comedy Order by Title Director Year Summer Wishes Directed by Silvio Amadio Summer (the) Directed by P. SPINOLA Substitute Teacher Directed by Guido Leoni Stefano Quantestorie Directed by M. NICHETTI Stealing The Treasure Is Not Right Directed by Mario Di Nardo Starting All Over Directed by Lello Pontecorvo Spicy Love Directed by Carlo Veo Songs, Guys And Dolls Directed by Carlo Infascelli Some Like It Cold Directed by steno steno Some Like ‘em Bald Directed by Irving Jacobs Soldiers And Caporals Directed by Irving Jacobs Soap And Water Directed by C. VERDONE So Long Gulliver Directed by Carlo Tuzii Sister – In – Law (the) Directed by Sergio Bergonzelli Seven Years Of Happiness Directed by Roberto Savarese Seven Grand Cuckolds Directed by Luigi Russo Pagination Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 … 12 Next