Library Genre Comedy Order by Title Director Year Leave Us In Peace Directed by Marino Girolami Heaven-sent Directed by Leonardo De Mitri Two Cents Of Happiness Directed by Roberto Amoroso We Are Rich And Poor Directed by Siro Marcellini Milanese In Naples Directed by Enzo Di Gianni Penguins Look At Us Directed by Guido Leoni Donatella Directed by Mario Monicelli Different Kind Of Fairyland (a) Directed by Jean Tourane Crossing Paris Directed by Claude Autant-Lara Doctor And The Witch-doctor (the) Directed by Mario Monicelli Fathers And Sons Directed by Mario Monicelli Three Times Female Directed by steno steno When You’re Twenty Life’s Always Fun Directed by Vittorio Duse Ghosts And Thieves Directed by Giorgio Simonelli Naples, My Sun Directed by Giorgio Simonelli All In Love Directed by Giuseppe Orlandini Pagination Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 … 12 Next