Library Genre Adventure Order by Title Director Year For A Handful Of Gold (tarzak) Directed by Charlie Foster Tarzak and the leopard men Directed by Charlie Foster Golden Falcon (the) Directed by Carlo Ludovico Bragaglia Three Musketeers (The) Directed by Bernard Borderie Scaramouche’s Adventures (the) Directed by Antonio Isasi Isasmendi Corsican Brothers (the) Directed by Anton Giulio Majano Soldiers Of Fortune Directed by Angelo Dorigo Cosmo 2000 – War In The Space Directed by Alfonso Brescia White Fang and the solitary hunt Directed by Alfonso Brescia Amazons For Love And War Directed by Alfonso Brescia Encountered Fires Directed by Al Bradley Mysterious Mr. Van Eyck (the) Directed by A. NAVARRO Sword Of Damascus Directed by Irving Jacobs Pagination Previous 1 2 3 4 5