Library Genre Adventure Order by Title Director Year Zoras The Rebel Directed by Saenz de Heredia Hostage Directed by Sandy Howard Giovanni dalle bande nere Directed by Sergio Grieco Conqueror Of The East (the) Directed by Tanio Boccia Sahara Cross Directed by Tonino Valeri Adventures Of Bengal Lancers Directed by Umberto Lenzi Last Of The Gladiators (the) Directed by Umberto Lenzi Bridge To Hell Directed by Umberto Lenzi Wartime Directed by Umberto Lenzi Masked Man Against The Pirates (the) Directed by Vertunnio De Angelis Michelle Strogoff's Triumph Directed by Viktor Tourjansky Death Belongs To Manila (the) Directed by Wolfgang Becker Scalawag Directed by Zoran Calic Pagination Previous 1 2 3 4 5