Library Genre Western Order by Title Director Year $ 10,000 For A Massacre Directed by Romolo Guerrieri Djurado Directed by Gianni Narzisi Where People Kill The Most Directed by Gianni Puccini I’ll Kill You For $ 100,000 Directed by Sidney Lean Wanted Directed by Giorgio Ferroni El Rojo Directed by Leo Colman Man With The Golden Gun (the) Directed by Alfonso Balcazar Heroes Of Fort Worth (the) Directed by Alberto De Martino Die For A Dollar In Tucson Directed by D. Brownson Arkansas Conquest Directed by Alberto Cardone Gringos Don’t Forgive Directed by René jr. Cardona Return Of Clay Stone (the) Directed by Maria José Zabalza Three Lead Dollars Directed by Pino Mercanti Pagination Previous 1 2 3