Library Genre Western Order by Title Director Year One Gun A Hundred Graves Directed by Lucky Moore More Dollars For The Mc Gregor Directed by Jose Luis Merino Man With The Golden Gun (the) Directed by Alfonso Balcazar Keoma Directed by Enzo Castellari Joe, Find Yourself A Place To Die Directed by Giuliano Carnimeo I’ll Safe From The Enemies Directed by Jacobs Irving I’ll Kill You For $ 100,000 Directed by Sidney Lean I’ll Die For Vengeance Directed by Tanio Boccia His Name Was Sam Wallash.. But They Called Amen Directed by Demofilo Fidani Heroes Of Fort Worth (the) Directed by Alberto De Martino Have A Good Funeral, My Friend Directed by Anthony Ascott Gringos Don’t Forgive Directed by René jr. Cardona Great Chihuativa Treasure (the) Directed by Tonino Ricci God Is My Colt Directed by Dean Jones El Rojo Directed by Leo Colman Duel In The Eclipse Directed by Eugenio Martin Pagination Previous 1 2 3 Next