Library Genre Thriller Order by Title Director Year Interpoint Directed by Giuliano Biagetti Iguana With The Tongue Of Fire (the) Directed by Freda Riccardo I’ll Wait For You In Hell Directed by Piero Regnoli Honorable Family.. Directed by Tonino Ricci Hold-up Snapshot Of A Robbery Directed by German Lorente Free Hand For A Tough Cop Directed by Umberto Lenzi F.b.i. Operation Viper Directed by Alfredo Medori F.b.i. Operation Pakistan Directed by Harald Reini F.b.i. Against Dr. Mabuse Directed by Harald Reini Eye Of The Spider (the) Directed by Roberto Bianchi Montero Devil’s Gate Directed by Clay Staub Devil With Seven Faces (the) Directed by Osvaldo Civirani Death Is Fashionable Directed by Bruno A. Gaburro Darkroom Directed by Britt Napier Corpse To Hide (a) Directed by Etienne Perier Cop Of Iron Directed by Stelvio Massi Pagination Previous 1 2 3 4 Next