Library Genre Thriller Order by Title Director Year Caged Directed by Aaron Fjellman Knell, Bloody Avenger Directed by Al Bradley Symphony For Two Spies Directed by Albert Cardiff Red Enigma Directed by Alberto Negrin Naked Girl Murdered In The Park Directed by Alfonso Brescia Your Sweet Body To Kill Directed by Alfonso Brescia F.b.i. Operation Viper Directed by Alfredo Medori Timeless House Directed by Andrea Forzano Shadow Of A Killer (the) Directed by Anthony Dawson Killers Are Challanged Directed by Anthony Dawson Tenebra Directed by Anto Murder In A College Directed by Antonio Margheriti Sun Spots Directed by Armando Crispino Darkroom Directed by Britt Napier Death Is Fashionable Directed by Bruno A. Gaburro Big Pot Directed by Bruno Paolinelli Pagination 1 2 3 4 Next