Library Genre Sexy Order by Title Director Year Sister Emanuelle Directed by Joseph Warren Girl With Coral Hands (the) Directed by Luigi Petrini Beauty And The Beast (the) Directed by Luigi Russo Morbidity Directed by Luigi Russo Private House Of The Ss. Directed by Matthews B. Jordan Desire Directed by Michael Cardoso High Tension Sex Directed by Oscar De Fina Angel: Lady Of The Night Directed by Piero Schivazappa Roman Tales Of An Ex-novice Directed by Pino Tosini Decameron ‘ 300 Directed by R. SAVINO Countess Gamiani’s Pleasures Directed by Reynald Bassi Hell Penitentiary Directed by Sergio Garrone Baby Love Directed by Silvestro Rino Paprika Directed by T. BRASS Bed Mania Directed by Vincenzo Rigo Pagination Previous 1 2 3