Library Genre Sexy Order by Title Director Year Dirty Love Directed by Joe D'Amato Eleven Days Eleven Nights Directed by Joe D'Amato Eleven Days Eleven Nights 2 Directed by Joe D'Amato Emanuelle And The Last Cannibals Directed by Joe D'Amato Emanuelle Do Ut Des Directed by Dario Germani Evil Girl Directed by Andrea Bianchi Francoise And Emanuelle Directed by Joe D'Amato Girl With Coral Hands (the) Directed by Luigi Petrini Hell Penitentiary Directed by Sergio Garrone High Tension Sex Directed by Oscar De Fina House Of Pleasure (the) Directed by Joe D'Amato Images Of A Convent Directed by Joe D'Amato Imperial Virgin Directed by Joe D'Amato Justine Directed by Dave Tough Labyrinth Of Love (the) Directed by Joe D'Amato Minor (the) Directed by Amadio Silvio Pagination Previous 1 2 3 Next