Library Genre Sex comedy Order by Title Director Year My Wife Goes Back To School Directed by Giuliano Carnimeo My Dear Nephews Directed by Franco Rossetti Morsel (the) Directed by Romano Scandariato Monk From Velletri (the) Directed by Romano Gastaldi Lovely Shake (a) Directed by Franco Rossetti Love Clinic Directed by Renato Cadueri Language Teacher Directed by Danilo Dani Lady Doctor Under The Sheet (the) Directed by Gianni Martucci Intimate Relation Directed by Luigi Russo Inconsolable Widow Thanks All…..(the) Directed by Mariano Laurenti Hot In The Province Directed by Roberto Bianchi Montero Here’s Silver Tongue Directed by Mauro Ivaldi Forbidden Games Of Peter From Arezzo (the) Directed by Piero Regnoli Forbidden Dreams Of A Country Parson Directed by Emanuele Di Cola Family Vices Directed by Mariano Laurenti Everything You Always Wanted To Know…. Directed by Alfonso Brescia Pagination Previous 1 2 3 Next