Library Genre Sex comedy Order by Title Director Year Virgin In The Family (a) Directed by Luca Delli Azzeri Pure As An Angel.. Monk Of Monza Directed by Gianni Grimaldi Nights And Loves Of Don Juan (the) Directed by Alfonso Brescia Decameroticus Directed by Pier Giorgio Ferretti Forbidden Games Of Peter From Arezzo (the) Directed by Piero Regnoli Poppea, A Prostitute Serving The Empire Directed by Alfonso Brescia Put Your Devil In My Hell Directed by Italo Alfaro Tale Of Merry Wives Directed by Romano Gastaldi Everything You Always Wanted To Know…. Directed by Alfonso Brescia Inconsolable Widow Thanks All…..(the) Directed by Mariano Laurenti Women And Magic Together With Satanasso Directed by Roberto Bianchi Montero Cast Out Your Devil.. Directed by Franz Antel Monk From Velletri (the) Directed by Romano Gastaldi Nephew (the) Directed by Nello Rossati Shameless Directed by Giuliano Biagetti Forbidden Dreams Of A Country Parson Directed by Emanuele Di Cola Pagination 1 2 3 Next