Library Genre Musical Order by Title Director Year When Angels Cry Directed by Marino Girolami This Mad, Mad World Of Song Directed by Bruno Corbucci Strip Tease Directed by Jacques Poitrenaud Songs In The Streets Directed by Mario Landi Singing Under The Stars Directed by Marino Girolami Singing City (the) Directed by Mario Costa Sing With Me ! Directed by Guido Brignone Serenade For Sixteen Blonds Directed by Marino Girolami San Remo In Song Directed by Domenico Paolella Night Club Boys (the) Directed by Amasi Damiani My Dear Caroline Directed by Domenico Paolella Mandarin For Theo (a) Directed by Mario Mattoli Love Song Directed by Giorgio Simonelli Immensity Directed by Oscar De Fina Hundred Serenades (a) Directed by Anton Giulio Majano Hully Gully Boys (the) Directed by Marcello Giannini Pagination 1 2 Next