Library Genre Musical Order by Title Director Year Boy Who Know How To Love (the) Directed by Vincenzo Dell'Aquila Immensity Directed by Oscar De Fina Mandarin For Theo (a) Directed by Mario Mattoli Songs In The Streets Directed by Mario Landi Singing City (the) Directed by Mario Costa Destiny’s Song Directed by Marino Girolami Serenade For Sixteen Blonds Directed by Marino Girolami Singing Under The Stars Directed by Marino Girolami When Angels Cry Directed by Marino Girolami Gipsy Directed by Mariano Laurenti Hully Gully Boys (the) Directed by Marcello Giannini Strip Tease Directed by Jacques Poitrenaud Sing With Me ! Directed by Guido Brignone Guaglione Directed by Giorgio Simonelli Love Song Directed by Giorgio Simonelli Forbidden Song Directed by Flavio Calzavara Pagination 1 2 Next