Library Genre Drama Order by Title Director Year Love So Fragil, So Violent (a) Directed by Leros Pittoni Edipeon Directed by Lorenzo Artale Rocco’s Fists Directed by Lorenzo Artale Love Dazed Directed by Luigi Capuano Last Love (the) Directed by Luigi Chiarini Never Ending Love (a) Directed by Luis Mario Terribile Knaut Pasolini, An Italian Crime Directed by M. T. GIORDANA Flesh Directed by Marco Ferreri Rendez – Vous In Liverpool Directed by Marco Tullio Giordana Raptus Directed by Marino Girolami Story Of A Poor Young Man (the) Directed by Marino Girolami Careless Directed by Mario Bolognini Betrayed The Wedding Night Directed by Mario Bonnard Lovebirds Directed by Mario Caiano Repentance Directed by Mario Costa Mercy For Those Who Fall Directed by Mario Costa Pagination Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Next