Library Genre Drama Order by Title Director Year Hot Summer Loves Directed by Juan Antonio Bardem Real Grit Directed by Giuliano Montalto Goodbye, Mother! Directed by Irving Jacobs Scandal (the) Directed by Anna Gobbi Prisoner (the) Directed by Henri-Georges Clouzot Hallo Ward!.. And A Bloodthirsty Vacation Ensued Directed by Julio Salvador Satanik Directed by Piero Vivarelli 24 Hours Of Terror Directed by Tony Bichouse Flames Over Vietnam Directed by José Maria Elorrieta Acid Directed by Giuseppe Maria Scotese Deborah’s Sweet Body Directed by Romolo Guerrieri Days of blood Directed by Enzo Gicca Hyena In The Safe (a) Directed by D. Brownson Loved To Love You Directed by Adimaro Sala Catalyst (the) Directed by Sergio Capogna Raptus Directed by Marino Girolami Pagination Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Next